Lost or stolen crypto?
Contact our Investigations team

Please be aware that our services cater exclusively to corporations, law firms, and law enforcement agencies. Regrettably, we are not able to assist individual victims of cryptocurrency scams. We recommend reporting the incident to your local law enforcement and seeking assistance from a law firm, which can contact us on your behalf when our expertise is required.


UAE HQ: +971 4 409 6785



We operate globally 24/7

Dubai, UAE

P: +971 4 409 6785
Unit 02, Level 7, Gate Village Building 10
Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC)


P: +65 6808 7834
Level 08-09, The Metropolis Tower 2
11 North Buona Vista Drive, Singapore 138589

London, UK

P: +44 20 7660 1509
124 City Road
London EC1V 2NX

New York, NY, USA

P: +1 (212) 252-2214
Suite 934, 26 Broadway
New York, NY 10004

Zug, Switzerland

Baarerstrasse 14
Zug 6300

Contact us

and we will get back to you.