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Our Crypto Security Approach

Our Crypto Security Approach

We are an independent, vendor-neutral professional services provider. We help organizations reduce the risks associated with decentralization technologies in order to realize and protect the benefits of the new economy. We accomplish that through a practical and effective combination of consulting, training, tools and people.

At Cryptosec we are rarely impressed by the latest buzzwords, “hot new methodologies” or anybody’s “wave of the future” marketing spin. We realize that each company has unique issues and there are no one-size-fits-all solutions. We believe in a customized approach based on each client’s business-driven needs, people, current policies, processes and procedures.

Our approach is best described as “we learn”. We constantly learn about all the latest technologies, methodologies and buzzwords. On the assignment, we learn about your organization, your business needs, your people and your problems. We harness all that knowledge, consider the unique challenges of your project and then team up with you to create the best possible solution.

Crypto Security Approach

Cryptosec takes a holistic approach to crypto security & investigations, with its Four Stages Approach, to anticipate, pinpoint & deliver targeted solutions for the critical crypto security & investigation needs of enterprise clients – pegged to their position within the crypto security & investigations life cycle – backed by greater, tailored solutions to achieve comprehensive, end-to-end enterprise-grade crypto security coverage.

Onboarding Crypto Security

From Trials to First-Time Use of Blockchain/DLTs, Crypto & DeFI

In the first phase of our Crypto Security approach we enable enterprise leaders to leverage Enterprise Blockchains, Crypto-Ledger Technologies (DLTs, Permissioned/Permissionless, Public/Private, Overledgers, Nested Blockchains), Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) Networks, Chains (Interoperable Cross-Chains, Sidechains), Other Layer 0-3 Solutions (State Channels: Bitcoin Lightning Network, Ethereum’s Radien Network, ZK Rollups), DeFi, using Hyperledger Fabric (HLF), R3 Corda (COR), Quorum (QRM), Proprietary Technology (PT), for Digital Identity, Tokenization, Smart Contracts & Multi-Sig Authentications, with Security Auditing, PenTesting, Chain Analysis, Cybersecurity Architecture, Digital Hygiene Auditing & Protocols, Advisory, Reporting Services, in line with best practices, to grant clients the Enterprise-Level Security Clearances they need to commence operations with formal approvals.


Custodial Crypto Security

Keeping Crypto Assets, Smart Rights & Private Data Safe

Once an organization adopts crypto assets, the second phase of our crypto security approach focuses on protecting existing crypto assets. We enable enterprise clients to securely hold Crypto Assets (Cryptocurrencies, NFTs – Non Fungible Tokens, Tokenized Digital Assets) with Key Management, Digital Asset Management, Wallet Hosting, and Node Patching Solutions to gain Enterprise-Grade Custodial Crypto Security. We also work with clients who hold and manage data on private Chains and DLTs to satisfy their Data Stewardship Priorities.


Interim & Ongoing Crypto Security

For Interim & Ongoing Uses of Blockchain/DLTs, Crypto & DeFI

Part of our crypto security approach also covers guiding enterprise leaders who use Enterprise Blockchains, Crypto-Ledger Technologies, Chains, Other Layer 0-3 Solutions, DeFi, Crypto Assets, Smart Contracts, with ongoing Enterprise-Level Crypto Security Services including Advice, Cybersecurity Architecture, Monitoring including Cross-chain Interoperability Monitoring, Periodic Reporting, Network Intrusion Prevention, Physical Security & Vulnerability Management, working with business continuity, to ensure clients’ crypto security coverage remains active, impenetrable and without compromise.


Crypto Investigations & Recoveries

Critical Responses to Security Breaches, Cybercrimes & Investigations

Finally, our crypto security approach includes a comprehensive set of services for when risks materialize. We arm enterprise clients with Critical Responses to Crypto Thefts, Chain/Ledger/Network Hacking, Security Breaches, Smart Contract Breaches, to Detect & Avoid Financial Crime/Regulatory Offences, with Enforcement-Level Crypto Recovery & Crypto Investigation Services including Crypto Assets Recovery, Disaster Recovery, Digital Forensics & Auditing, Incident Response Planning. We work with clients’ investigators, but can also provide our own Independent, Investigative Expert Assistance with our team of crypto-native, Financial Crime and Cybercrime Investigators, Forensic Accountants, and Auditors.


Let us help you realize and protect the benefits of the new economy